Sunday, April 19, 2009

Birthday Week

Well, Today starts my birthday week! Of course, April is my birthday month. I'll be how old and still celebrating my week and month? hahaha How I recall it all starting with birthday weeks, months and even the voiced birthday "quarter" seriously, was the in demand front seat! With us 3, we always wanted to have shotgun and no matter who got there first, it was always overrulled for birthdays, birthday week, then the birthday month. Of course, Marc being the baby was the best at it, and always seemed to have a long birthday month. :)

What a journey the past year has been. Welcome to the 30's! Now as Matt says, I'm thirty - something. Just for the record, from now till Friday I am still just 30!:) It has actually been a very growing year, and seriously 29 was way worse than 30. I've laughed, cried, and oh learned so much! I am blessed. God has been ever faithful. Praise the Lord. I look forward to 31 and what God has in store for me.

As always praying for Open Doors!

With Love,
