Sunday, November 9, 2008

Holiday Season begins

It's that time of I used to look so forward to spending time with family and friends. Part of me still looks forward to it but then there is that tug at my heart. It's not the same. Marc won't be here again. It's been 4 years since I saw his smiling face. ...funny...I don't know which blog I should be writing this one under...I want this to be a joyful season. A season of Remembrance, A season of Life. My prayer for this holiday season is just Peace. Peace in my heart, Peace in my family, Peace for all those that are suffering. Pastor Steve talked today in his service about Living to Give. I want that to be my new mission in life. God is my number 1, he is my boss, he is my everything. As soon as we put anything before him, we are cursed. He is the One and Only and we can find comfort and peace in him. So, I'm starting now, looking for opportunities, God's opened doors, for me to give to others. Not just at the holidays and I'm not talking about simple gifts. Giving of yourself for others.

In Prayer

With Love,



Laura said...

It was good to hear from you. Hope you're doing well. My husband went to the WFX conference last week (which is basically a media & technology conference for churches). And it was in Houston, so we were able to visit Lakewood and they had a "media tour" that you could sign up for. Anyway, it was pretty awesome to see all the technology stuff they have there. It's not a church that we agree with from a theological perspective, but it was nice to see all their "toys". Anyway, keep in touch. Now that I know you have a blog, I will keep up with yours too :)

Love ya,
Laura :)